I am writing this blog post today because over the past couple of weeks, many large, well-known companies have made some huge changes in the right direction. Check it out!
READ ABOUT IT HERE: http://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/costco-working-end-use-human-antibiotics-chicken-n318366
2. McDonald's
McDonald's, rated as the most hated company in 2014 (by 24/7 Wall St.), also announced that they will stop selling chickens raised with antibiotics to treat humans.
READ ABOUT IT HERE: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/05/business/mcdonalds-moving-to-antibiotic-free-chicken.html?_r=0
After testing the market in the DC Area, Subway has decided to add their vegan menu to 400 locations! Customers have the option of a Malibu Garden Patty OR Black Bean Patty with vegan sauce options too! I can't wait to try!
READ ABOUT IT HERE: http://cok.net/blog/2015/03/campaign-update-subway-widely-expands-vegan-menu-dc-la/
Hershey's, America's biggest chocolate company, wants to start using only natural ingredients that you'll recognize. They are promising to stop using ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup and emulsified cocoa butter.
READ ABOUT IT HERE: http://www.takepart.com/article/2015/02/20/hershey-simple-ingredients-announcement
Many people don't realize how many chemicals they consume via their food each day. However, times are changing because Consumer Reports have shown that people are looking for labels such as "natural," "locally grown," "organic," etc, but many of these labels are misleading because when you read the actual ingredients list, they are full of chemicals and substances we haven't even heard of. It is so great to see companies like Costco, McDonald's, Subway, and Hershey's making huge changes in the right direction.
In my opinion, when you're grocery shopping, read the ingredients list, if there are things listed you don't recognize, don't buy it. And to cut back your personal intake of meat raised with antibiotics (that are clearly now being seen as harmful), stop eating meat and try other options available, such as the new vegan patties at Subway!
Peas Out ☮